Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Make the effort and the rest is easy

Writing has always been challenging for me.  I love it!  But to communicate ones thoughts and ideas accurately on a topic in a cohesive manner,  is no easy task.  I often find myself back spacing, flipping sentences around and striking rambling run-on sentences.  My grammar and sentence structure is often poorly executed.  I haven't spent an adequate amount of time learning the rules and so .  Even so I probably would break them willfully.  Not wanting to limit my self expression.   But interestingly I've recently discovered that it is through limitation that we adequately express ourselves.

I am up for having another go at this challenge to consistently contribute an effective blog that people would enjoy reading and discovering useful information.  Confident that my blog will find its audience I will faithfully embark on this journey in executing the discipline of contributing a regular blog.  Not waiting till I figure everything out but learning the blogging game as I go.

For what is learning but the process of doing and refining?  It's the "doing" part that is the challenge for many of us.  Why do you think Nike's slogan "Just Do It!" was so popular?  It was a great motivating slogan.  Mine is;   Make the effort and the rest is easy.


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