Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Computer Companions

I didn't get much accomplished today as it was one of those days where I just needed the day off, ya know what I mean?  I just tried to be more present with less "to do" lists and tasks swarming around inside my head.  It was a nice break.

Now after a nice day as I lie in bed with my computer I can't help thinking how many people in the world also go to bed with their computers as their companion?  I'm betting there is a lot of single people whose best friend, lover or whatever you want to call it, is their laptop computer.  It probably even lies in the bed next to them where a person use to be and often times may even go to sleep on top of them.  Hell, they may even have sex on it, or at least watch it in order to satisfy their sexual need.  And I also wonder if this is this where the technology age is taking us.   Replacing complicated relationships with loving computers that do just what they are told without any arguments or fights.  That talk to us and relate to us exactly what we want to see and hear without any problems save for the occasional virus that isn't contagious.  I find that a scary thought.

Now with an IPad we don't even have to leave it at home as we can take it with us.  After all we don't want to be alone all day without being able to finger the keyboard.  As cold and impersonal as computers may be it beats being alone and gives us something to take away the nothingness.

I think I'll close mine now and pick up a good book.  The old fashioned kind that has real pages to turn. Sometimes I miss the old days.  But then again, even with a great book, you still have to turn the page.


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