Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A duel between Thinking and Doing

I’m not going to let another day go by THINKING about writing and posting a blog.  While I get trapped in thinking I’m not doing and the days go by and before you know it nothing gets done.  Has this ever happened to you?  You say something like, “Yeah, I was thinking about getting around to doing that…” meanwhile nothing gets done?  Ya gotta love the game of hide and seek.

Thinking is an awareness level in which what is in the mind is most real and it’s very easy to get trapped in there.  Lol. Thinking is a great substitute to avoid Doing and you can become trapped in the mind.  I tend to fall on that side of the fence and to find a better balance in managing things I post my maxim, “make the effort and the rest is easy,” on my desktop as a healthy reminder to keep moving towards those things that need doing. 

As I make the effort to do things I notice my awareness level rises to that of effort.  In which case now instead of thinking, what I do is most real.  In poker if you want to be a winner you have to learn how to do and not just think in order to win the game.  Which today takes more study and effort then ever before.  So what efforts can you make right now? 

Start asking yourself questions that inspire you to learn the skills necessary to succeed.  Here are a couple of examples.  What’s the difference between odds and probabilities?  When I make a bet do I know the odds I am giving my opponent to call?  In a $500 pot on a flush draw board how much should I bet on the turn if I put a typical opponent on a flush draw?  Questions like these are ones you should be constantly asking yourself as you position yourself to compete. No matter what game you play you can ask yourself questions that inspire you to learn.  The more detailed the questions the better.  For you will find God in the details my friend, no matter what game you play. 

It’s all about the effort!  For my efforts this morning, I made a nice plate of eggs & bacon.  I’m enjoying a cup of coffee while writing this blog as I relax and watch the snow fall lightly outside while enjoying Thinking…about what I’m going to Do next!  :)



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