Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Variety is the spice of life


Wouldn’t life be boring if everyone and everything was the same?  In the words of John Lennon…”Imagine.”  Reflective of our “evolving,” world where Baskin Robbins Ice Cream used to be so popular, now its’ 31 Flavors seems almost extinct.  

What would 31 Flavors be with just one flavor?  Whatever your favorite flavor, isn’t it great to have a choice, rather then just eating and being the same as everyone else?  The very thing that defines 31 Flavors and makes it so special is its’ variety.  It is the very thing that defines and makes us so special as human beings.  The variety of our different tastes and flavors.  Look at how beautiful this picture is and even if you don't like everything there is something  there for everyone.  All you have to do is pick up a spoon.

I think the silly thing that gets us all out of whack is arguing over which flavor is the best.  It’s quite funny actually. At times we’re like children arguing over their favorite ice cream and who has the bigger spoon.  The  “flavors” of life is not just skin color but also cultures, ideas and beliefs.  Why does everyone have to be chocolate? Just because most people like chocolate doesn’t mean everyone likes it or even wants it.  On a side note, I love the Mocha Almond Fudge!

I also love light!  I believe it brings energy, warmth and is the very cause of life.  And yet I have a friend who actually prefers the dark.  This amazed me and in spite of my efforts to convince them that light was better then darkness,  but in all sincerity they prefer the darkness.  Which is no big problem I guess unless your trying to read or find something.  lol.
This morning as the sun came streaming into my bedroom and abated the darkness I was reminded of this simple fact. Light cannot exist without the darkness.  They are two faces of the same coin.  To say that one is better then the other denies the facet of the very thing that causes its’ existence.  You only recognize light as light when it comes from darkness.  This gave me a new perspective and appreciation for my friend and their preferences.

Stevie Wonder doesn’t know what light is and from what I can tell he’s getting along just fine.  Reading for him btw may have initially been a challenge but not a problem.  I'm sure he reads just fine now in the dark.  Ironically he has brought more light into the world by enlightening people with his music then most people who can see.  And yet he only knows of the concept of light, not the experience of it.

To not experience something isn’t tragic either, it’s just a matter of selection.  If Stevie Wonder had his sight he might have played sports instead of music and we would be missing the joy of his music.  Each experience comes with its’ pros and cons.  To come to know and accept yourself and to enjoy whatever your selection is, well now, that’s happiness.  
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