Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finish what you Start

This post will start a series of blogs on the importance of cycles, and the techniques on how to effectively manage and complete them.

Understanding cycles, and being aware of the pattern can be very helpful in leading you to success.  A cycle is defined as having 3 components: 
A beginning, middle, and an end.  You must have all three to complete a cycle.

The secret of success is completing cycles.  For when you complete a task you’ve started, you’ve achieved a measure of success.  The challenge is in completing cycles.  People in general don’t like to complete things, and for various reasons. Being an idealist who overestimated his abilities, I can relate.

The importance of completing cycles can be realized by observing successful people. People, who are successful, have learned the secret of how to bring things to completion.

I’ve noticed about myself that I overestimate my abilities to complete even the most simple tasks and intentions. Take, for example, making a phone call.  How simple can it be to pick up a phone and call someone?  And yet, I’ll still hear myself say, “Oh, I’ve been meaning to call you!” 

Little things, left undone and incomplete, tend to accumulate and weigh heavy on our consciousness.  That weight can slow us down.  And since power in the physical universe is about speed and force this is a significant inhibitor.  I now realize the power behind the truth of the successful old adage;  “finish what you start.”

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