Have you noticed that when you complete a cycle you feel lighter and uplifted? Ask any women and she’ll tell you! But I’m talking about cycles that by completing tasks, lead to an end. So I’m in a cycle of blogs, writing about the importance of completing cycles. Lol.
The first one was titled, “finish what you start.” But let’s just say that you have 20 things you’ve started and are at some stage of development, what do you do?
A key strategy might be to make a list of any unfinished cycles. Then, like cleaning out a closet, separate them out. Then, prioritize and determine which cycles you really would like to complete. If your closet is too full, then get in there and clean it out. I’m talking about the closet of your mind here. For it's those nagging thoughts in our minds of things being incomplete that can weigh us down and moving slower.
Have a process of how to handle you’re unfinished cycles. This is one type process you could use;
1. Write out each major cycle on a 3x5 card
2. Put cards in order of priority
3. Determine which cycles you no longer want to complete.
Don’t forget that you can reach completion by letting go. Physically burn any uncompleted cycles. If you no longer want to hold onto them and work on them, this will then complete them in your mind, and the thoughts of being incomplete will no longer weigh you down. You should let them go if the cycle no longer holds your interest or if it isn’t on your current path of purpose in life. Letting go, is a key component to growth.
Finishing what you’ve started, or Releasing old uncompleted cycles is the first step. Step 2 is to only start what you intend to finish. In this way we’ll be operating more effectively in what we do and consequently feel more productive and better about ourselves. Try it and observe.
Hey kenna, its Jeff!! nice to see you have a blog, now I can follow your blog entries and see how your doing more often!!! Talk to you soon!!!!