Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Friday, December 31, 2010

A useful tool for keeping Agreements and Resolutions for 2011

With New Years a few hours away I wanted to share my New Years Resolution and give my readers something practical that they could use to help them better operate and manage life.  The best ideas are sometimes the simple ones so here’s an idea for utilizing an available tool to almost everyone that will help to develop the skills in managing and meet your goals for 2011.

THE TOOLS: 3x5 Index cards and a pen. 
THE CONCEPT:  Agreement Card

In my back pocket I’ve started carrying an “Agreement Card.”
The information on this card is meant to give me perspective and help with maintaining a record in which to keep my agreements and log necessary and useful information that we can easily lose track of during our hectic and busy days.  Here’s the information I keep on my card but you can adjust it for what will work best for you.

Each morning I write out my “bag” across the top of my card.  BAG is an acronym for blessings, accomplishments and goals.  Develop the habit of taking your bag with you everyday and it will help to produce a positive attitude by keeping things in perspective.. 

You Are Your Agreements.
Any agreement or promise I make I write down.  Keeping your word and the agreements I make helps me when I’m out and about to put them on my schedule when I get home.  By writing it down will also give me time to think if I can and really want to make this agreement and the responsibility it will take in meeting them.  In 2010 I did not meet all the agreements or promises I made.  My resolution for 2011 is to complete 95% of my agreements made.  This is the reason I developed this tool actually.  Some people keep all their agreements and I applaud you.  I hope to someday be able to say that.  In the meantime I have to carry around a 3x5 card in which to remind me to manage and operate better.

BACK:  Expenses – Notes - Activities
Keeping track of your expenses will help you to manage your money better.  Writing things down increases your awareness of what exactly you’re buying or where you’re spending your time.  If you meet someone you can quickly note a description or pertinent information for later.

For some, this stuff is second nature.  But for people like me that find it challenging to remember and track everything that happens throughout the day I trust that this is useful information in providing you a solution in managing your days better through the practice of using a simple method of tracking.  Now to develop the discipline in carrying that card everyday!  Well, that’s my 2011 New Year’s Resolution. 



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