Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A little black pouch I call my perspective bag

My “perspective bag” (PB)  is a little black pouch that hangs on my key rack just inside the front door.  A small little drawstring bag that reminds me before I walk out to face the world each day to claim its contents.  Yet there are no physical contents in the bag.  Its contents are symbolic and yet they produce real results.
You see I use the word BAG as an acronym for;
To be mindful each day (saying them quietly to yourself) and verbally expressing them to someone around you (anyone that will give you 30 seconds of their time) will contribute to a healthy and balanced perspective.  Done consistently each day contributes to a positive mental attitude, which most experts say is the key to accomplishing anything of value. 

So here’s what to do.  When you’re developing any type of new routine it is always best to start small. If it takes too much effort in the beginning it will tend not to stick and become routine. It’s not how much you do in the beginning but the commitment to the routine that matters most.

I chose my PB this morning to illustrate this point.  It can be as big or small a bag as you want to handle that day but the smaller it is the more manageable it becomes.  Here is my PB for today;
B = My morning cup of coffee
A= I made my bed (This use to be quite a challenge! Lol)
G=Complete my poker column for Arizona Poker magazine

Consider carrying a PB along with you as a tool each day to contribute to a healthy and balanced perspective.  Whatever the size of your “bag” really doesn't matter as it doesn't take up any space!  And it may just help to give you a joyful perspective and experience wherever you may journey.  

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