Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Is it the thought that counts or the efforts made that make a difference in our relationships?

“It’s the thought that counts,”  was my “out” in life for missing out on sending someone a birthday card or not taking an action of appreciation or recognition.  That someone in my life was deserving of an action from me turned out to be a missed opportunity for me to connect on a deeper level with that person.  String enough missed opportunities of connection together and soon you’ll find yourself alone talking to yourself and wondering where everyone went!

People like the feeling of being connected to others who have mutual interests and goals in life.  In that connection there is an unspoken need to be recognized and appreciated.  To give someone the quality recognition and appreciation they deserve takes skills of observation, understanding, thought, and perhaps most importantly, effort!

I have discovered that If I stop short of effort the connection doesn't really happen.  Like not finishing the end of a sentence or a phrase of a song.  The reason is that I tended to secretly fear being connected and that is one of the reasons I came up short when it came to effort.  I was afraid of being hurt after that connection was lost. 

The truth is the connection can never be lost.  Only our awareness of it is lost when we “check out.”  Like checking out of a hotel room.  Sometimes a connection can be overwhelming and you don’t know how to manage the emotions and feelings of what exactly your experiencing and so we resist or avoid.  Sometimes it’s great to be alone to explore the solitude of our thoughts and that's okay too.  But having the skill to attach and connect and detach and having the courage to let go when the time is right is a good talent to develop.  They are both expressions of love.

Wishing you much love and deep connections and the joy of solitude along your journey.  Just remember that - But when desiring to connect remember this:


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