Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Death of a Cycle is a New Life

This is my 3rd and final installment on cycles.  Many things happen in sets of 3, have you noticed?  Even life itself is in 3 parts.  It has a beginning (birth), middle (experiences), and an end (death).  Which of course the latter part we don’t like to talk about.  Lol. However,  I have a new perspective on death these days that I guess comes with maturity.   It is that you can’t have life without death, they are interdependent of each other.  

I realized that one of the major reasons I had trouble completing things is that I didn't want them to come to an end.  However,  realizing the death of one cycle is simply the beginning of a new one, has liberated me from that excuse. lol.  The deeper my understanding of this goes,  allows me to complete things and move on rather then "hang on for dear life," and leave things unfinished. 

This is the “poker life,” blog so I will indulge so as to make the connection to poker.  Any effective poker strategy must come from the understanding that you have to be "willing to die in order to live. "  Operating then is a liberating and freeing experience in which there is no fear of loss. This allows you to act intellectually, rather then emotionally clinging to something you don’t want to let go of, such as your chips, or the poker experience itself.

Back to my topic of 3’s - A play or movie has a “BME” cycle - beginning, middle and end.  The timing of a good joke happens in beats of 3. This pattern of 3’s has a natural rhythm to it.  And so I have come to understand that the pattern in which I operate well, called my growth cycle is to; Study – Learn – Grow.

A problem can develop when a person gets stuck in one area of this cycle.  As a coach, my job is to help a person get “unstuck,” and strategize with them on how to engage the next step in that process.  I've noticed that each person’s challenges are different.

One person may stop studying, which affects their learning, and thus inhibits growth.  Another may do a lot of studying but doesn’t apply the lessons, and as such doesn’t learn.  Their problem may be in fear of the application process of doing something with what they are studying.  They consequently may not experience growth as quickly as they otherwise would if they applied their studies.

Yet a third person, who has studied and learned may still find growth stilted if they refuse to embrace the last, and most crucial step of this growth process; letting go.

And so it is time for me to “let go,” of this cycle of blogs (on cycles, lol) and move on.  When I complete and "let go," it clears the path and space for a new life of another cycle.  In this case, a new topic for my continuing Poker Life blog.  Thanks for joining me.

Enjoy the Journey,

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  1. Is It Just Ettiquie...Not To Table Talk ..Or the Rules...Can I Not Give my hole Cards Or Hint at what they are??? WSOP rules?? At a friendly workers Group Poker night..I see Phill Helmouth and Gavin Smith ...Mike Matasow Table Talk...

  2. Very Taoist Kenna. it is lovely.


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