Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Well, my first major obstacle of writing my 31 daily blog has presented itself: Travelling. Doing anything on a consistent basis (whether it be working out, eating right or writing this blog) becomes more challenging when there is travel involved. Time seems to just fly by.

I’m travelling to Florida to go on a poker cruise to the Caribbean. It will be a weeklong work/pleasure cruise, as I will be competing in the HPT main event on board, while visiting some of the exotic islands of the Caribbean. One of the perks of being a poker player I suppose, is to work (or play, depending on your perspective) and travel to some really cool places. In spite of having an awesome poker record on the high seas, it’s been a few years since I’ve taken a poker cruise, so I’m really looking forward to it. 

Living in this technology advanced age, I don’t anticipate any problems writing or posting my blog. There seems to be Wi-Fi everywhere these days, even on the planes. So I will be sending my posts and updates from ships and planes for the next week and do my best to stay on schedule.

Last night I played in the usual Friday night $5-10 NL game at Red Rock casino. Thankfully I got back on the winning path and booked a win. It’s important after a losing session to book a win…any win! I don’t care if it’s $20. The reason is that winning tends to beget winning and losing tends to beget losing.. The last thing you want to do is get on the losing train and start developing a losing trend.

As I write this I am currently 30,000 feet in the air. Scored a great non-stop flight on Southwest on what it looks like one of their newest planes. All leather seats and free wi-fi all the way.

I scrambled a bit to get to my flight today as I had a tennis match that I wanted to get in for my tennis team. The toughest part was trying to win the match as quickly as possible so I could make my flight. It took me 1:15 to dispose of my opponent 6-3 6-3 and although I didn't have time to take a shower I did get to the airport in plenty of time. 

I’m watching Breaking Bad right now and just took a break after an episode. So each paragraph is coming at a different point in time, which makes for a messy, disjointed blog. The next paragraph will be coming to you from on the ground in Florida.

Landed safe in the setting sun. It’s warm, probably about 70 degrees, here in Florida. I’m in a town car right now making my way to my hotel in Port Canaveral. I’m tired and looking forward to a nice dinner and a good nights sleep.

This paragraph comes from the couch of my room. I had to settle for McDonalds for dinner. Relaxing with a BigMac and taking in the end of the football game. Why is it that the things that are bad for you taste so good? Great marketing I suppose.

Tomorrow I’ll board Freedom of the Seas, a mammoth ship in the Royal Caribbean cruise line. It literally is a floating city. It will be nice to reunite with my old friends Linda Johnson and Jan Fisher and the rest of the poker cruising regulars. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to write about on this adventure. The biggest challenge will be finding the time and desire to interrupt the poker playing and fun festivities.

Enjoy the Journey!

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