Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Monday, May 30, 2011

PURPOSE and DETERMINATION - Keys to Victory at the 2011 WSOP

With the WSOP starting this week I thought I would just mention two principle words that will greatly affect who wins a bracelet and who doesn't.  Those two words are Purpose and Determination.  


Determination is a word that may be easy to say, but not so easy to execute.  Which is the reason why so many experts and professionals quote it as a necessary quality needed to succeed.   While we think we may know what determination means, often times it is more of a generalized term or concept in our head.

The dictionary defines determination as:  "firmness of purpose; resoluteness" 

Which is why these two words go together.  You can't have one without the other.  They are in a sense married, and go together like peanut butter and jelly.  Like Laurel and Hardy.  Like...well, you get the idea.  Determination starts when your purpose encounters obstacles and challenges.  Any purpose without challenges is not much of a purpose.  When you encounter challenges,  is when the level of your  determination will be tested.  Your level of determination can actually determine who you are as a person, and what you will accomplish in this life.  Low levels of determination will produce little more then survival.  While high levels of determination, can produce a life worth living.


One of the struggles early on in my life, was to have a clear and defined purpose for my actions.  Without a clear and defined purpose it becomes easy to drift, and rather difficult to be resolute at anything.  Your purpose, in the sense of your doing-ness in life, must be something that inspires you! Almost as much as breathing.  You don't think about breathing, you just do it.  Your purpose is such.  It's not something you have to think about because it is a part of who you are as a person.

If you are unsure of that, then that's when it becomes necessary to find a good coach, guide, or mentor to help you.  Btw, I happen to be available if you should qualify to be one of my students.  Luckily, I've had a few great teachers and mentors in my life, and who have given me the tools necessary to teach effectively.

So it takes both, purpose and determination, to accomplish anything significant in life.  Especially if it is something that requires a consistency of effort over a period of time.   Which is what it takes to win a WSOP bracelet in 2011.

Hope to see you in the winners circle this year!

Kenna James

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