Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Friday, December 31, 2010

A useful tool for keeping Agreements and Resolutions for 2011

With New Years a few hours away I wanted to share my New Years Resolution and give my readers something practical that they could use to help them better operate and manage life.  The best ideas are sometimes the simple ones so here’s an idea for utilizing an available tool to almost everyone that will help to develop the skills in managing and meet your goals for 2011.

THE TOOLS: 3x5 Index cards and a pen. 
THE CONCEPT:  Agreement Card

In my back pocket I’ve started carrying an “Agreement Card.”
The information on this card is meant to give me perspective and help with maintaining a record in which to keep my agreements and log necessary and useful information that we can easily lose track of during our hectic and busy days.  Here’s the information I keep on my card but you can adjust it for what will work best for you.

Each morning I write out my “bag” across the top of my card.  BAG is an acronym for blessings, accomplishments and goals.  Develop the habit of taking your bag with you everyday and it will help to produce a positive attitude by keeping things in perspective.. 

You Are Your Agreements.
Any agreement or promise I make I write down.  Keeping your word and the agreements I make helps me when I’m out and about to put them on my schedule when I get home.  By writing it down will also give me time to think if I can and really want to make this agreement and the responsibility it will take in meeting them.  In 2010 I did not meet all the agreements or promises I made.  My resolution for 2011 is to complete 95% of my agreements made.  This is the reason I developed this tool actually.  Some people keep all their agreements and I applaud you.  I hope to someday be able to say that.  In the meantime I have to carry around a 3x5 card in which to remind me to manage and operate better.

BACK:  Expenses – Notes - Activities
Keeping track of your expenses will help you to manage your money better.  Writing things down increases your awareness of what exactly you’re buying or where you’re spending your time.  If you meet someone you can quickly note a description or pertinent information for later.

For some, this stuff is second nature.  But for people like me that find it challenging to remember and track everything that happens throughout the day I trust that this is useful information in providing you a solution in managing your days better through the practice of using a simple method of tracking.  Now to develop the discipline in carrying that card everyday!  Well, that’s my 2011 New Year’s Resolution. 



Sunday, December 26, 2010

A duel between Thinking and Doing

I’m not going to let another day go by THINKING about writing and posting a blog.  While I get trapped in thinking I’m not doing and the days go by and before you know it nothing gets done.  Has this ever happened to you?  You say something like, “Yeah, I was thinking about getting around to doing that…” meanwhile nothing gets done?  Ya gotta love the game of hide and seek.

Thinking is an awareness level in which what is in the mind is most real and it’s very easy to get trapped in there.  Lol. Thinking is a great substitute to avoid Doing and you can become trapped in the mind.  I tend to fall on that side of the fence and to find a better balance in managing things I post my maxim, “make the effort and the rest is easy,” on my desktop as a healthy reminder to keep moving towards those things that need doing. 

As I make the effort to do things I notice my awareness level rises to that of effort.  In which case now instead of thinking, what I do is most real.  In poker if you want to be a winner you have to learn how to do and not just think in order to win the game.  Which today takes more study and effort then ever before.  So what efforts can you make right now? 

Start asking yourself questions that inspire you to learn the skills necessary to succeed.  Here are a couple of examples.  What’s the difference between odds and probabilities?  When I make a bet do I know the odds I am giving my opponent to call?  In a $500 pot on a flush draw board how much should I bet on the turn if I put a typical opponent on a flush draw?  Questions like these are ones you should be constantly asking yourself as you position yourself to compete. No matter what game you play you can ask yourself questions that inspire you to learn.  The more detailed the questions the better.  For you will find God in the details my friend, no matter what game you play. 

It’s all about the effort!  For my efforts this morning, I made a nice plate of eggs & bacon.  I’m enjoying a cup of coffee while writing this blog as I relax and watch the snow fall lightly outside while enjoying Thinking…about what I’m going to Do next!  :)



Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A little black pouch I call my perspective bag

My “perspective bag” (PB)  is a little black pouch that hangs on my key rack just inside the front door.  A small little drawstring bag that reminds me before I walk out to face the world each day to claim its contents.  Yet there are no physical contents in the bag.  Its contents are symbolic and yet they produce real results.
You see I use the word BAG as an acronym for;
To be mindful each day (saying them quietly to yourself) and verbally expressing them to someone around you (anyone that will give you 30 seconds of their time) will contribute to a healthy and balanced perspective.  Done consistently each day contributes to a positive mental attitude, which most experts say is the key to accomplishing anything of value. 

So here’s what to do.  When you’re developing any type of new routine it is always best to start small. If it takes too much effort in the beginning it will tend not to stick and become routine. It’s not how much you do in the beginning but the commitment to the routine that matters most.

I chose my PB this morning to illustrate this point.  It can be as big or small a bag as you want to handle that day but the smaller it is the more manageable it becomes.  Here is my PB for today;
B = My morning cup of coffee
A= I made my bed (This use to be quite a challenge! Lol)
G=Complete my poker column for Arizona Poker magazine

Consider carrying a PB along with you as a tool each day to contribute to a healthy and balanced perspective.  Whatever the size of your “bag” really doesn't matter as it doesn't take up any space!  And it may just help to give you a joyful perspective and experience wherever you may journey.  

Remember to click the subscribe button if you would like to receive notices of  my new blog posts.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Deja Vu the curse of knowing the future

Here's an interesting paradox for you.  Most people tend to like order and predictability in life and fear the future or the unknown, would you agree?  Yet imagine if you knew exactly what was coming in the next moment...and then the next as if they were tied together.  Like having a constant deja vu,  you could see life unfold right in front of you as it was happening.   Would you like to have the skill of seeing a day in advance?  How about a month or a year?  If you had the ability to do so how far in the future would you choose to see?  Remembering that you would know exactly what you were doing during this time as if you were watching a movie or a robot.  Would you just want enough time to peak and get an advantage of knowing the flop....wait!  Perhaps the river?  Predictability would have it's rewards to be sure but is it worth the loss of suspense, the drama and joy of pure discovery?

Before we curse the unknown and chastise our fears of the future,  perhaps we should take a moment to realize how precious a gift it is to "Not Know," and to live life discovering as the story unfolds.  

It is true that if you could see the future you could avoid a lot of "bad beats." But bad beats are a significant part of life that help us appreciate the good times and our triumphs over our challenges.  Also, I think we would quickly discover that diminishing the bad beats would equate to diminishing the good ones.  Everything being balanced they would be reduced by that same measure.  For every bad fortune there is good fortune.  Take one out of the equation and life could get pretty blasé pretty quickly.  

Times are really rough right now for so many of us.  Doing our best to embrace the present moment by realizing how blessed we are to not know what is coming next but holding onto the idea that tomorrow is a new day brings hope for a bright and better future.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Variety is the spice of life


Wouldn’t life be boring if everyone and everything was the same?  In the words of John Lennon…”Imagine.”  Reflective of our “evolving,” world where Baskin Robbins Ice Cream used to be so popular, now its’ 31 Flavors seems almost extinct.  

What would 31 Flavors be with just one flavor?  Whatever your favorite flavor, isn’t it great to have a choice, rather then just eating and being the same as everyone else?  The very thing that defines 31 Flavors and makes it so special is its’ variety.  It is the very thing that defines and makes us so special as human beings.  The variety of our different tastes and flavors.  Look at how beautiful this picture is and even if you don't like everything there is something  there for everyone.  All you have to do is pick up a spoon.

I think the silly thing that gets us all out of whack is arguing over which flavor is the best.  It’s quite funny actually. At times we’re like children arguing over their favorite ice cream and who has the bigger spoon.  The  “flavors” of life is not just skin color but also cultures, ideas and beliefs.  Why does everyone have to be chocolate? Just because most people like chocolate doesn’t mean everyone likes it or even wants it.  On a side note, I love the Mocha Almond Fudge!

I also love light!  I believe it brings energy, warmth and is the very cause of life.  And yet I have a friend who actually prefers the dark.  This amazed me and in spite of my efforts to convince them that light was better then darkness,  but in all sincerity they prefer the darkness.  Which is no big problem I guess unless your trying to read or find something.  lol.
This morning as the sun came streaming into my bedroom and abated the darkness I was reminded of this simple fact. Light cannot exist without the darkness.  They are two faces of the same coin.  To say that one is better then the other denies the facet of the very thing that causes its’ existence.  You only recognize light as light when it comes from darkness.  This gave me a new perspective and appreciation for my friend and their preferences.

Stevie Wonder doesn’t know what light is and from what I can tell he’s getting along just fine.  Reading for him btw may have initially been a challenge but not a problem.  I'm sure he reads just fine now in the dark.  Ironically he has brought more light into the world by enlightening people with his music then most people who can see.  And yet he only knows of the concept of light, not the experience of it.

To not experience something isn’t tragic either, it’s just a matter of selection.  If Stevie Wonder had his sight he might have played sports instead of music and we would be missing the joy of his music.  Each experience comes with its’ pros and cons.  To come to know and accept yourself and to enjoy whatever your selection is, well now, that’s happiness.  
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Friday, December 3, 2010

Is it the thought that counts or the efforts made that make a difference in our relationships?

“It’s the thought that counts,”  was my “out” in life for missing out on sending someone a birthday card or not taking an action of appreciation or recognition.  That someone in my life was deserving of an action from me turned out to be a missed opportunity for me to connect on a deeper level with that person.  String enough missed opportunities of connection together and soon you’ll find yourself alone talking to yourself and wondering where everyone went!

People like the feeling of being connected to others who have mutual interests and goals in life.  In that connection there is an unspoken need to be recognized and appreciated.  To give someone the quality recognition and appreciation they deserve takes skills of observation, understanding, thought, and perhaps most importantly, effort!

I have discovered that If I stop short of effort the connection doesn't really happen.  Like not finishing the end of a sentence or a phrase of a song.  The reason is that I tended to secretly fear being connected and that is one of the reasons I came up short when it came to effort.  I was afraid of being hurt after that connection was lost. 

The truth is the connection can never be lost.  Only our awareness of it is lost when we “check out.”  Like checking out of a hotel room.  Sometimes a connection can be overwhelming and you don’t know how to manage the emotions and feelings of what exactly your experiencing and so we resist or avoid.  Sometimes it’s great to be alone to explore the solitude of our thoughts and that's okay too.  But having the skill to attach and connect and detach and having the courage to let go when the time is right is a good talent to develop.  They are both expressions of love.

Wishing you much love and deep connections and the joy of solitude along your journey.  Just remember that - But when desiring to connect remember this:


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can be one of the most special holidays of the year.  When I say "special," I know what that means to me but what does it mean to you?  If in fact Thanksgiving is a "special" time for you what makes it so?  Is it the food?  The communion and fellowship with family and friends?  The traditional football game that plays on tv or the nap afterwords?  Perhaps a combination of all of these things.

Notice that those things however are all just outward activities.  There are those thankless people who go to great strides in slaving in the kitchen in preparation of this feast that may feel that it is far from special.  They may feel that it is just a helluva lot of work!  To entertain and feed so many and then have to clean up afterwards.  For those surely the nap afterwards has to be the most special.  Or perhaps what's special to them is when someone unexpectedly lends a hand or shows their sincere appreciation.  That recognition for the efforts they have made to make this day special for others.

To me the "game" of Thanksgiving is not the turkey but the people.  Wherever you are this special day, winning the game of Thanksgiving is when you relate and connect with other people in realizing the blessing of sharing one of our most basic and common needs - food.  With all our busy lives it is special to take time to rest and find that connection with others.  You will find it in the quiet stillness between bites of that fabulous feast we call Thanksgiving.  Listen and look for it in someone's eyes across the table and then acknowledge it and them with a smile.  That's unity.  That's Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My New Role

We all play roles in life.  Sometimes professional and sometimes personal.  Which role do you identify with most?  Father, mother, student?  I've played many roles in life and on the stage.  Starting off my career as an actor and morphing into a professional poker player was cool.  But the role I enjoy most is dad.  Albeit I wish I was better at it.  But the roles in life don't come with a script, you gotta kinda figure it out as you go.  If you're lucky you'll find a great teacher or mentor along the way to help guide you and teach you the principles of the game.  That is the first responsibility of a good father I suppose.

The role I am taking on here will be known as "The Poker Life Coach."
In my professional career as a poker player I always wanted to play in the biggest game against the toughest competition.  I accomplished that goal.  Sometimes I won but way too often I lost and didn't know why.  No one could answer that question for me until I found a great mentor who has led me to begin playing successfully in a much bigger game called life.

The competition and skill level has gotten so tough in poker that the amount of effort it takes to compete at the highest level today takes more money and time then most are willing to sacrifice. But poker is one game.  It is a game within a game and after paying my dues and accomplishing what I set out to do in poker, I'm ready to take on another challenge.  Teaching others how to play above the felt!

I'm excited to take on this role because I've always loved the game of poker and saw it as a microcosm of life and wanted to give more then I took from people.  It is my time to give back.  In both games, poker and life YOU are your own toughest opponent.   You are overcoming barriers and obstacles in order to achieve a known goal.  That is the definition of a game.  The parameters of which one sets up to determine the wins and loses.  How do we do that?  Well, it will take more then one blog post to reach that determination which is one of the reasons I created The Poker Life blog.

It's hard when you're in the middle of the game to see it as a game.  And the fact that I say that might even offend some people.  But the ones in the know - know what I'm talking about.  While in the game one can lose perspective and it becomes quite serious, especially for those that are losing. The loses might mean depending on others or not eating and fighting for survival.  And that's where it's great to have a coach.  I hope this blog, which I will contribute to weekly, will serve as your guide along the way and give players in the game a greater perspective and sense of awareness of the games we play.

And for those that want it now and want to study with me personally and privately you can find my website and contact information at;  Enjoy the journey but remember....

Success is a journey, not a destination!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Make the effort and the rest is easy

Writing has always been challenging for me.  I love it!  But to communicate ones thoughts and ideas accurately on a topic in a cohesive manner,  is no easy task.  I often find myself back spacing, flipping sentences around and striking rambling run-on sentences.  My grammar and sentence structure is often poorly executed.  I haven't spent an adequate amount of time learning the rules and so .  Even so I probably would break them willfully.  Not wanting to limit my self expression.   But interestingly I've recently discovered that it is through limitation that we adequately express ourselves.

I am up for having another go at this challenge to consistently contribute an effective blog that people would enjoy reading and discovering useful information.  Confident that my blog will find its audience I will faithfully embark on this journey in executing the discipline of contributing a regular blog.  Not waiting till I figure everything out but learning the blogging game as I go.

For what is learning but the process of doing and refining?  It's the "doing" part that is the challenge for many of us.  Why do you think Nike's slogan "Just Do It!" was so popular?  It was a great motivating slogan.  Mine is;   Make the effort and the rest is easy.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Computer Companions

I didn't get much accomplished today as it was one of those days where I just needed the day off, ya know what I mean?  I just tried to be more present with less "to do" lists and tasks swarming around inside my head.  It was a nice break.

Now after a nice day as I lie in bed with my computer I can't help thinking how many people in the world also go to bed with their computers as their companion?  I'm betting there is a lot of single people whose best friend, lover or whatever you want to call it, is their laptop computer.  It probably even lies in the bed next to them where a person use to be and often times may even go to sleep on top of them.  Hell, they may even have sex on it, or at least watch it in order to satisfy their sexual need.  And I also wonder if this is this where the technology age is taking us.   Replacing complicated relationships with loving computers that do just what they are told without any arguments or fights.  That talk to us and relate to us exactly what we want to see and hear without any problems save for the occasional virus that isn't contagious.  I find that a scary thought.

Now with an IPad we don't even have to leave it at home as we can take it with us.  After all we don't want to be alone all day without being able to finger the keyboard.  As cold and impersonal as computers may be it beats being alone and gives us something to take away the nothingness.

I think I'll close mine now and pick up a good book.  The old fashioned kind that has real pages to turn. Sometimes I miss the old days.  But then again, even with a great book, you still have to turn the page.



Had a bizarre dream that was so real and yet I didn't remember it until hours later while I was driving to play poker.  I don't even remember if it happened during a nap I took this afternoon or the night before.  I do remember the dream however.

I was visiting my friend and co-host for HELP!! ( Blake Ian in New York.  I was going to spend the night at his house.  We went there and there were these gates you had to go through and into this multi-level complex.  As we climbed the outside stairs which boarded the parking structure evening was descending upon us and people of the night were waking up.  Homeless people who looked like zombies or something out of the movie "I Am Legend," rolled out from underneath cars.  They're skin grey and taught and there gaunt skulls baring teeth awakening.  My bed was exposed to the outside structure and Blake says to me - "you might wanna sleep upstairs inside the house with me.  Only problem is that you'll have to sleep on the floor."  To which I replied, "yeah, no problem.  Good idea!"

We proceed to climb more stairs and unlock gates and walk into a courtyard.  As we walk into one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen I look up at the sky.  Everything is so beautiful.  From the clouds to the setting sun to the towering pine trees that fill this expansive courtyard with winding pathways through the trees.  I feel so guilty for having this experience and remembering the ghostly figure rolling out from underneath the car that I decide to go back and help him.

I know that it will take great skill to transform such an unconscious crack-head but I have to try.  I somehow acquire a small packet of Meth to tempt him to come to me.  I then lasso him with some rope and tie him up and put him in the front seat of a car and drive away....  that's all I remember.

My days have been equally bizarre.  I feel as though I'm waking up myself in some way, becoming more conscious if you will.  I listen to Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth," now for the second time and it sounds totally foreign to me from when I listened to it a year or so ago.  I understand what he is saying now.  I can relate.

On a physical note my legs are sore from my 3 mile run today which I did in 28:40.  In poker I had a disasterous session.  Making mistakes from the first hand dealt to the last and getting punished every step of the way.  I finally pulled up stake and am ready to head back to my dreams and live to play another day.  I may have to walk instead of run tomorrow and enjoy the journey a bit more.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

I just finished watching the movie Eat, Pray, Love and was pleasantly surprised at how fantastic this film was to experience.  Julia Roberts leads an outstanding cast of great actors realistically entertaining and enlightening us along her journey of self discovery.  I found her discoveries both illuminating as well as familiar in the challenges she faced and the answers that she discovered along the way.  

The only thing that I thought was unrealistic was how many great people, friends and mentors showed up almost instantly where she travelled.  Realistically the journey can be a lot more barren and lonely but I understand that this is a film and you can't just have a person walk around the whole movie in isolation.  In fact, the movie is a lot about that - how one relates to the people and the experiences that they are going through.  I teared up more then once and ran the gamut of emotions from indifference to joy throughout the film.  I highly recommend you see it and if you can go by yourself (since the movie is about self-discovery) then I highly recommend that you do as I did and go alone.

Enjoy the Journey,


Test 123...123

This is just a test to see where this gets posted.  I'm new at blogging and am like a baby learning how to crawl.  Where will I end up?  Hopefully not atop the coffee table with no balance and what looks like a hundred foot drop from a baby's perspective.