Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Morning Coffee

While making coffee this morning, I spilled a half a cup of water on the floor. “Damn it,” I quietly exclaim to walls of the empty kitchen; announcing my ineptness to complete the simple task, of completing the pour into the coffee pot reservoir. 

I immediately head for the paper towels to confront the mess.  I kneel down, and begin the mop up job.   I resign and commit myself to the minor task, when I take note of how easy it is with the wet towels, to attract the excess dirt and the food remnants, that have made a home against the running board.  With a few extra wipes I realize the resourcefulness of my mistake. 

“Ah, that’s nice.”  I thought.  I turned a little mess into a slightly cleaner kitchen.  A slight smirk makes its way across my face, and I feel good about my modest efforts.  I enjoy a sip of coffee as I make my way into the next room.   

When I’m able to change my perception that quickly, and see what appears to be a negative as a positive,  I know it's going to be a good day.  Anything perceived as “bad,” can quickly fade.  It’s like turning on the light in a dark room.  The darkness disappears.  Now, where's that switch?

Enjoy your day!


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