Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Time to Play!

PEN DOWNAs I reach my destination of achieving my blog writing goal, I want to pause and take the time to reflect on what I’ve learned and answer a few personal questions, such as: Was it worth it? Was it as hard as I imagined? What were the benefits of completing this goal? What was the most difficult challenge go overcome? Do I want to continue doing it?

Yes it was worth it. It was important for me to prove to myself that I could do something on a month long basis and do it well. I feel I achieved that and so yes, it was worth it. The most challenging thing was to maintain consistency while travelling and working on the road. The biggest thing that got me through was having the goal clear in my mind every day and a strong determination not to be diverted. Sometimes I did get diverted and didn’t end up completing it until the 12th hour. When that happened, especially towards the end, it was much more difficult then when I tackled it the first thing in the morning.

The biggest surprise was that I didn’t need to plan as much as I thought. I didn’t have any preconceived idea of what I would write about, I just wrote. That took facing my fear of not knowing exactly what to say or saying it the right way. It's funny, the things we fear don’t seem to ever be as bad as we imagine. It's a healthy reminder to remember that it never will be as bad as we imagine. There actually is a release of tension and a sense of relief in facing our fears.

Many people either told me personally or emailed me about how much they enjoyed reading my blogs. They said that they themselves got something out of my writings in which they could relate or use along their journey. That to me was the biggest benefit, for it connects me to a purpose greater then myself.

To know that you are contributing and have an affect on others is not only a necessary level of awareness, but also a huge benefit I experienced from my writings. I also was reminded that whatever I put my mind and determined effort into something, I’m going to achieve it.

It’s all about choice. Having the power to choose what you want to do and how you’re going to do it. Whether it’s writing a blog or playing a hand of poker. Our choices are reflected in our actions or lack there of. If we make a choice and don’t carry it through, well that tells us something about ourselves doesn’t it? We may not have as much power to choose as we thought. But that’s what’s great about games like this, we get to test ourselves and if we drop the ball, learn from it and pick the ball back up and keep running. We’re not going to win every hand or game we play, but if you have the courage to play the game and not sit on the sidelines like a spectator, then you have my respect.

Will I win next month in the weight-loss game I decided to play? We will see. If I knew the ending score of the game, it wouldn’t be worth playing now would it? I do know one thing. I’ll be there at the end of the month win or lose, learning from my experience and either chalking up another win or picking up the ball and going after it in March. I’ll be sure to let you know.

I am pleased to announce that my blog will be moving to my new website, and I will continue with my blogging posts. They won’t be everyday, but you can count on at least once a week, that I will be spewing my thoughts on poker and other interesting theories about life.

I hope you’ll join me on my continuing journey through this poker life. It’s going to be one helluva ride this year and at some point along the way I hope you’ll join me on a final table.

Enjoy the Journey,



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