Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Balls in the Air

I’m running around and juggling quite a bit today. A private lesson this morning, a radio interview in the afternoon on the Mark Hoke show at KLAV 1230 AM (a local radio station here in Vegas), in which you can also catch online if you’re not local. In between I have a home “To-Do” list, which always piles up when you’re on the road. Confronting and handling things head on, however, is the best management tool I know. Of course I’m typing this from bed lying on my back!

I don’t always do what I know. In fact, I remember asking my professional poker-playing friend John, what’s the most difficult thing for you in poker? His answer: “Doing what I know.”

I know I should have strong hand selection and only play multi-way hands when I’m in position. I know I should raise to limit the field with my premium hands instead of slow playing them. I know I should play when I’m well rested, focused and feeling strong in my determination to win. I know I should stay focused in each and every hand I play. I know I should remain emotionally neutral and not get overly excited or overly upset at the result of any single hand or session. All these things I know, but invariably like juggling balls, eventually my attention gets diverted and I drop a ball.

I suppose this is why they say, “a little knowledge is dangerous.” Once you know the “right” thing to do, it’s like you’re held accountable for that knowledge, or at least those of us that have a conscience. “Ignorance is bliss,” may be the easiest escape from being responsible. But I imagine ignorance has its’ drawbacks as well. There’s no perfect answer as far as I can tell. Only a juggling and balancing act in which you can do your best to not fall down or drop the balls.

In finding that balance it’s important to know what to focus on. Becoming conscious of what you’re doing and the corresponding effect you are creating is good thing. The responsible thing to do is to stop and ask your self this simple question; “What am I creating today?”  If you find yourself losing in poker or any other game you may be playing, look for the ways you may be contributing to that loss. If you’re able to confront the part in which you are contributing to it, you may find the answer to regaining your power and preventing the ship from sinking. 

When I start my blogs, I’m not always sure what I’m going to write about. With only rest and my backgammon club happening last night, I didn’t have much to report, so this is what I chose to write about today. I hope there is something in here that you can find useful in poker and the other games you’re playing in life.

I’m off to do my radio show, so if you have the chance be sure to catch it.

Enjoy the Journey!


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