Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Land Ho! We pulled into port Canaveral early this morning. I’m glad to be back on land. I had a rough cash game session my last night at sea. I ended up losing 1k in two hands in a 2-5 NL cash game that had a $500 buy-in cap.

I was up about 300 when I called a raised, multi-way pot on the button with the seven-five of hearts. The flop fell Ace-high with 3 hearts giving me a flush. The raiser bet, I raised, he moved all-in and I called. He had pocket Kings with the King of hearts. The turn brought a heart and I was felted.

I bought in again for $500 and was up a couple hundred on my second buy when again I tangled with the same opponent. This time I had Jack-Ten of hearts. The flop fell 7-8-9 and the same betting action ensued. This time he held pocket 99’s and even though I flopped the nut straight, he rivered a full-house. I had enough and called it an early night.

The most interesting hand I played came earlier in the night, but ironically it wasn’t for me. It was for an older gentlemen and ship friend I came to know as Frenchie. Here’s how it came down.

Everyone who knows me knows I like to sing at the tables from time to time and that was certainly the case this week while vacationing and playing poker. My friend and fellow final table competitor Tim Ackerman, who was playing on the cash table next to me with Mark Gregorich and Orel Hershiser, saw me on a break from my game, asked me to come over and sing them a song.  This was before I went on my chip-spewing spree, so I was happy and in the mood to oblige.

Frenchie is up and out of his seat and so I sit down in his seat and start singing the song “Moon River.” Evidently he had just got up because he didn’t have any miss blind buttons and the dealer dealt a hand to his stack. So in the middle of singing Moon River” to my fellow cruiser’s, I decide to look down at the cards that are dealt in front of me and see the Ace-Ten of diamonds. Without missing a beat in the song, I peal off $25 from the stack and raise it up! Everyone laughs, but no one objects and before I know it, I get 3 callers and we’re going to the flop!

The flop falls Js9s8c. I check, Orel bets 75, the button calls and I call. Just then I see Frenchie walk up looking a little puzzled. I stop singing long enough to say “hey Frenchie, I decided to play a hand for you, but if you want I’ll take all the action!” Not seeing the hand he says, “Nah, their my chips, I’ll take the gamble.”

The turn brings the Jh pairing the top pair on board. I check and Orel now looking a little confused over the crooning and unexpected action from a guy who 2 minutes ago was a non-player in the game, eventually decides to bet 250. The button folds. Now normally on a paired board with two to a flush I would not be drawing to a straight, but what the heck…I call. 

Orel & Kenna
Just as I finish the last verse of my song, the dealer peals off the 8s for the river card, double pairing the board. I’m cackling, laughing and enjoying myself and in spite of whiffing to my all-star pitcher opponent, I decide to make a bluff. I peel off 3 $100 bills from Frenchie’s stack and make the bet. Orel now shakes his head in disbelief and knowing I wouldn’t bluff off someone else’s chips turns over his hand (Qs5s) and in spite of rivering a flush decides to lay it down. When I table the bluff everyone erupts in laughter.  I get up and say to Frenchie, “It’s all yours my friend. You boys enjoy your game.” Although I have a hunch that the song Moon River may be a thorn in Orel’s side, he certainly was a gentlemen and a good sport about it all.

It was a wonderful cruise and we all had a great time, sharing flops, beaches and many memorable moments. This was one of them.

Enjoy the Journey!


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