Poker Face

Poker Face
Do what you love and love what you do, for life is too short to do anything else.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I’m a little bruised and beat up, but after 10 hours of play, I did survive. I made it through day 1 of the main event and ended with 147,000 chips, just above the average.  There were a lot of ups and downs along the way. Mostly downs to start and then I caught stride and finished strong.

Orel was on my table to start and we competed in this interesting hand. Playing 100-200 blinds, UG limped and so did he. I was in MP with AA and raised it to 900 and we took the flop heads up. The flipper fell K-6-4 two spades. He checks. I continue with an 1100 bet and he quickly raises me to 5,000. We both started the hand with about our 30k starting stack. I call. The turn is an off-suit Jack and he quickly shoves all-in! Wow!! To me it looks like he has K-J or a flush draw and after I tank for a couple of minutes I lay my aces down. He shows me 6-4 for two pair! Talk about a sinker!

I was able to get away from this hand because of my knowledge of the player. I know Orel. He doesn’t like to put all his chips in unless he feels like he’s got the best hand and wants to lock it up. He’s not a huge donk-bet, semi-bluffer for all his chips either. So it was actually a pretty easy lay-down. It was all for naught, however, as I lost all my chips to him in another hand where I flopped top pair to his set and went with it.

This tournament allows re-entries, so I did. My first hand at my new table I made a move, got caught and was right back in the re-entry line again! My 3rd entry I lost with QQs to K8 when my opponent made trip 8’s and again my stubbornness had me digging in my pocket to purchase another golden ticket. With only 130 entrants this may not have been the most profitable decision, but I was determined to win.

Determine means to make a choice, right? So the key question is, was I determining to buy in again or was my need to win determining my choice? If it was the latter then my ability to choose was being hindered by my ambition to win. It’s a fine line competitive poker player’s walk and we should check ourselves with these types of questions when situations like this come up. I will tell you this, before I bought in again I took a break and walked the ship!

One of the cool things I like to do on this ship is walk to the very front of the boat and stand at the head (made famous in the movie Titanic). Feeling the power of the ship break through the expanse of the open ocean and forge through into the blackness of night is a very special feeling.

After careful consideration, I bought in again. We are now down to 30 players remaining and will continue playing tonight when we get back on board. Right now it’s time to go onshore and explore the fabulous island of St. Marteen!

Enjoy the Journey!

Kenna James

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